And should sleep, or improper sleep bra to what are people thinking hesitate. Many people think that when I sleep the sleep bra is damaging to health. But what many of us do not know what the damage is. After some research came up bra ghumole increases the risk of breast cancer. Let us know about the damaging effects of sleep after sleep bra.
1. Blood flow disturbances
If the reading habits of the bra at night to sleep in sleep disturbances can occur raktacalacale. Especially if there is extra tight elastic disturbance of normal blood flow. The result is damage to health.
II. Sits on the skin spotsAt regular bra to sleep without reading habits can sit on your skin gradually Brian elastic stains. Especially if the spots are more likely to extra tight elastic. So do not wear bra at night to sleep better.
3. Sleep disturbanceWhen you sleep, sleep disturbance after extra tight bra. Extra tight bra because your deep sleep at night, you will not be uncomfortable. Your day will be felt as a result of fatigue.
4. May scratch the skinItchy skin tight fitting bra can be felt later when I sleep at night. Particularly cotton garments are more likely to have problems if this bra. Those who can not sleep without a bra at night they sleep in the sports bra doctors advice. Sports bra does not harm health.
5. CancerBra And when I sleep or not is the cancer for a long time it has been debated. We will then someone says regular bra with breast cancer and others do not say. Several studies have been reported, however, that much of the regular tight fitting bra can increase the risk of breast cancer later when I sleep.
6. Non kyansarasa lampKyansarasa tissue cysts and not the lamp. Extra tight fitting bra, breast cysts, and not in the regular habit of sleep at night, which can be caused by lamp kyansarasa can cause many problems later.
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